Research ︎︎︎ 


Design Forecast

2024 Design on the Edge graphic design exhibition
Middle Georgia State University

This poster is a blend of inspiration drawn from Aaron Marcus's groundbreaking work in computer graphics art from the 1970s — primarily his "Symbolic Constructions" and "Weather Report" series — to evoke thoughtful commentary on the future of graphic design.

Here, I aimed to reflect the evolving nature of design and creative arts in the era of AI. This uncertainty about the future, accompanied by ongoing changing dynamics, doesn't diminish my optimism. I believe that despite the transformations, human creativity and graphic design will continue to flourish.

Teaching AI in Art + Design

2024 Lincoln Legacy Teaching and Learning Community Conference
Hosted by UIUC

Presented on the challenges and opportunities of teaching AI in graphic design, including a demonstration of hands-on tools and resources for instructors and designers.

Navigating the Cosmic Shift: AI in Design Education

2024 Mid-America College Art Association Virtual Conference
Hosted by Auburn University

In this presentation, I make the case for designers and educators to embrace rather than fear the AI revolution. I explored the collaborative possibilities between designers and AI models within both educational and professional contexts, highlighting the potential role it can play in our daily design practices. Instead of fearing the rise of AI, I suggest that designers and educators should be open to embracing it.

Design students’ use of AI in projects teaches career skills

Illinois News Bureau
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Developing Flexible Systems of Cohesive Curriculum

2023 Learn X Design Conference

Design Research Society
Co-Author, Isabel Bo-Linn

This paper explores the development of a flexible curriculum in graphic design education, emphasizing the need for adaptation to accommodate higher education landscapes and enhance student experiences. It underscores the importance of allowing faculty to incorporate their specializations while achieving consistent project outcomes. Practical insights and challenges in implementing these flexible systems are interrogated and addressed.

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2024 Design Writing Fellowship Program
Hosted by Writing Space

Completed a three-day workshop aimed at enhancing scholarly skills in design, honing my writing and revision techniques, and exploring various publishing options, culminating in my authorship of a book review for Human-Centered AI by Ben Shneiderman.

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